
If you’re in Salem, NH, and have questions about root canals, we have answers. Sometimes, issues like tooth decay, infection, or damage can threaten the health of your teeth. When problems occur, a root canal may become necessary to save your tooth and stop pain. We want you to be as informed as possible, so we’ve put together a root canal guide that can help.

Common Signs You Need a Root Canal


Severe Tooth Pain

One of the most common signs that you may require a root canal is experiencing severe tooth pain. Hot or cold foods and beverages can trigger this pain and may linger even after the source of the temperature change is removed. It can also be a throbbing pain that disrupts your daily activities and sleep.

Swelling and Sensitivity

Swelling in the gums near the affected tooth points to potential trouble. Sometimes, you might notice a pimple-like bump on the gums. Sensitivity to touch and pressure, especially when chewing, can indicate that the tooth’s inner pulp (the nerve) is infected or damaged.


A change in the tooth’s color, often turning dark or gray, can signify infection or damage. This discoloration can be caused by the death of the pulp inside the tooth, and a root canal may be needed to address this issue.

The Root Canal Process: What to Expect


If you’re experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it’s natural to be curious about what the root canal procedure involves. Let’s look at how root canal procedures are performed:

Diagnosis: Your dentist will start by examining your tooth and taking X-rays to assess the extent of the damage or infection. This helps them determine if a root canal is needed.

Local Anesthesia: Before starting the procedure, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area, eliminating discomfort during the root canal.

Accessing the Pulp: The dentist will create a small opening in the tooth to reach the infected or damaged pulp. This access point allows them to remove the pulp, clean the inside of the tooth, and shape it for the filling.

Cleaning and Filling: The pulp is carefully removed, and the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned to eliminate any infection. The next step involves filling the tooth’s interior with a biocompatible material. This material ensures that the tooth remains structurally sound.

Sealing: After filling the tooth, a sealing material closes the access point. This prevents further infection and restores the tooth’s function.

Restoration: In most cases, a tooth that undergoes a root canal will require a crown to strengthen it and protect it from future damage. The crown is custom-made to match the appearance of your natural teeth.

Recovery: Recovery from a root canal is typically quick, and you can resume your regular activities shortly after the procedure. Some initial tenderness or mild discomfort may be experienced, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy


Root canal therapy offers several benefits, making it a preferable option to save an infected or damaged tooth:

Pain Relief: The primary purpose of a root canal is to relieve pain and discomfort associated with dental issues. Once the infected pulp is removed, the pain subsides.

Tooth Preservation: A root canal allows you to keep your natural tooth, which is usually the best option for overall oral health and appearance.

Efficiency: Root canal therapy is a highly successful procedure, with a success rate of over 95%, and the treated tooth can last a lifetime with proper care.

Prevents Further Complications: Addressing the infection or damage prevents it from spreading to other teeth or causing more severe oral health issues.

Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: Which is Right for You?


You might wonder whether a root canal is the best choice or if a tooth extraction is more appropriate. The decision depends on your unique situation and should be made in consultation with your dentist. However, here are some factors to consider:

  • Tooth Preservation: Preserving your natural tooth is usually the preferred option for maintaining oral health and aesthetics.
  • Cost: In the long term, a root canal followed by a crown may be more cost-effective than an extraction followed by a dental implant or bridge.
  • Oral Health: Retaining your natural tooth helps maintain the integrity of your jawbone and surrounding teeth.
  • Time and Recovery: A root canal typically involves less downtime and discomfort than an extraction followed by tooth replacement.

Debunking Root Canal Myths


Myth 1: Root canals are extremely painful.

Fact: Thanks to modern techniques and anesthesia, root canals are generally no more painful than getting a standard dental filling.

Myth 2: Root canals cause illness.

Fact: This myth has been thoroughly debunked. There’s no scientific evidence linking root canals to other health problems.

Myth 3: Extraction is always a better option.

Fact: Saving your natural tooth through a root canal is often the best choice for your oral health and overall well-being.

Reserve Your Consultation Today


If you’re experiencing severe tooth pain, swelling, or any other signs of needing a root canal, don’t hesitate to seek professional dental care. At Honest Care Dental in Salem, NH, our skilled and compassionate team is ready to address your concerns, answer additional questions, and determine the best course of action for your oral health.